ARISS event 1000th Anniversary
06.11.2015 09:46
15 Years of the Presence of amateur radio in space ...
Amateur radio activity on the International Space Station (ARISS) dialed thousand event in a chain that began 15 years ago when the program established its presence in space. The inaugural ARISS contact took place on 21 December 2000 between a member of the crew of the ISS Expedition 1 and students of Luther Burbank Elementary School outside Chicago. Several students and their teacher could talk to two meters with the commander of the Alpha Space Station, William "Shep" Shepherd, KD5GSL. This contact marked the first time the special callsign NA1SS was used to achieve a contact with a school.
In 1996 when there was still the ISS, SAREX team decided not to wait for the first crew was on board to begin developing ideas to make ham radio on the ship. Wait longer impossible to make room for some radio equipment on the ISS. Antennas were missing energy, in addition to flight certification approval and licensing NASA and Russia for astronauts. NASA had already stipulated that it was mandatory one international group to be responsible for everything related to Amateur Radio on the ISS.
Canada, Japan, Russia, several European countries and the United States - - joined after a hard work of ARISS team composed of countries that had supported the ISS agencies was achieved. It was a monumental task to achieve a meeting in the United States in November 1996.
At the end a ham radio operator came from Canada, Japan, Europe, Russia and the United States. Debra Johnson, K1DMJ, Director of Educational Services ARRL said NASA had the first cargo ship to a team of amateurs. That was how it all began!
StudentEl ARISS ARISS program reaches tens of thousands students each year. One of the goals of ARISS is to inspire interest among youth in science, technology, engineering and mathematics in their careers.
Another goal is undoubtedly provide educational opportunities for students, teachers and the public to learn about space exploration, wireless technology and the science of radio through amateur radio.
Now comes the deadline for schools, educational institutions and other groups submit their proposals to be participants ARISS contact 2016. This window closes on November 1, 2015.
ARISS Coin 2 In an era of increasingly tight budgets of NASA, President of ARISS, Frank Bauer, KA3HDO recently announced that ARISS has to raise funds in the amount of $ 90,000 annually to maintain the current level of operation and $ 214,000 to grow their operations to the desired level. ARISS website solicits donations via AMSAT pressing the "ARISS Donate" button. People who contribute $ 100. or more will receive the coin known as "ARISS Chalenge Coin".